What is GitOps?

By lurker 1/30/2023

GitOps is a software development methodology that leverages Git as a single source of truth for managing infrastructure and applications. It is based on the principles of continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. In GitOps, all changes to the infrastructure are made via pull requests to Git. This ensures that all changes are recorded and reviewed before they are applied. It also makes it easier to roll back changes if necessary, and to automate the deployment process. The Git repository contains all the necessary information for deploying and managing an application. This includes the configuration files, scripts, and manifests for the infrastructure, as well as the code for the application itself. With GitOps, it is possible to deploy and manage applications across multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production, without having to manually update each environment. This makes it easier to maintain consistency across environments and reduces the risk of errors. The benefits of GitOps include improved collaboration and collaboration processes, improved visibility into infrastructure and application changes, increased reliability and security, improved automation and deployment processes and reduced risk of errors. Overall, GitOps is a powerful way to manage infrastructure and applications, and is becoming increasingly popular among software development teams. If you're looking to streamline your deployment and management processes, it's worth considering GitOps as an option.


Preach it brotha! I first read about gitops here and I've been a follower of the holy dogma ever since: https://www.gitops.tech/
I've gotta look into this some more! Thanks for sharing the link polishedbirb1 !

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