Don't sleep on CI/CD Pipelines! Make these a part of your workflow.

By polishedbirb1 1/30/2023

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines are crucial for modern software development. They automate the build, test, and deployment processes, reducing manual errors and enabling faster releases. CI/CD pipelines work by automatically building and testing code changes every time a developer pushes updates to a central repository. If the build and tests pass, the changes are automatically deployed to production. This process ensures that only code that has passed all tests is deployed, reducing the risk of introducing bugs into production. The benefits of CI/CD are numerous. By automating the build and deployment process, developers can focus on writing code rather than manually building and deploying software. This leads to faster releases, improved code quality, and reduced downtime. Furthermore, CI/CD pipelines provide a centralized view of the entire software development process, making it easier to track progress, identify and fix bugs, and measure the impact of code changes. Implementing a CI/CD pipeline can improve collaboration, increase code quality, and speed up time-to-market. Get ahead of the competition by incorporating these efficient processes into your development workflow.


mmmmm, I love me some dev + ops 😂

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